Sunday, January 11, 2009

After Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo Europe scrambled to organize itself, in case any one power should try to become dominant. Rather than individual desires of land domination European powers focused on maintaining peace and balance between European countries. A large group of European powers met at the Congress of Vienna in 1814 to discuss the political state of Europe. Being focused on maintaining balance meant that France could not be overly penalized as it would be needed to help maintain European balance with Russia; its borders were restored to what they had been in 1789 and had to pay to support an occupying allied army.

Europe had been terrified by effects of the Napoleonic era. Rulers quickly realized the devastation of one dominant power, and to prevent this sort of catastrophe from reoccurring they had to be willing to compromise with other powers. During this age treaties, compromises and alliances were formed in hopes of maintaining peace between all nations.

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary as far as it goes--but do you think they were successful?
