Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The First Stages of Globalization

Though the direct effects of imperialism are often balked at, the relationships established during this period led to the modern world, which is undeniably interconnected in understanding and respect. The puppet governments and foreign outposts that appeared in colonized lands were often cruel and considerably barbaric in their drives to control natural resources and make profit. The Belgians felt no pity for the thousands of suffering Congolese, because they were greatly profiting from the rubber business. The entire western world struck out at China after the Boxer Rebellion, in which they justly struck out against the British who had ruined much of their culture during the Opium Wars. After the rebellion, all of Europe banded together, imposing indemnities and new trade concessions. Though this may be considered barbaric today, it established the first stage of the global economy and brought the world much closer together.

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