Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I guess that I should respond

In response to Danielle’s choosing of Hitler as her main focus, I claim Napoleon. As one of the earlier benevolent dictators in modern European history, I plan on comparing his system of direct control with those of Hitler, and whomever grace chooses (Peter the Great), and judging them on the basis of economic progress and support and happiness of the people. I will have to be careful that I am comparing the different systems under similar conditions, all three “tyrants” as Danielle puts it in her blog, waged major wars, but their people were affected differently by them. It would be interesting to talk about what could have happened to the state if their respective totalitarian leader had never taken power. Without Napoleon, for instance, there would have been far less of a squabble over the balance of power. Without Peter the Great would Russia have been able to keep up with Europe? Without each of these leaders millions of peoples’ lives could have been spared, was any of it worth it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. whoops! I meant to say that if you read my post you'd see that i don't think things would've been that different!! WHAT DO YOU THINK EEHH?
